Monday, November 5, 2007

One month down

Wow, I can hardly believe Amanda and I have already been engaged for a month. Pretty crazy! I don't think I would have ever expected what this month would hold for us either. I think it is safe to say that it was tough. So many people to tell, so many people to see, so many people to please. This can really wear two people down when they are just trying to be together. It is easy to miss what your identity as a soon to be married couple is when you are trying to give all of your time in so many places. This whole weekend Amanda has been the most amazing fiance any guy could ever ask for. She took me out for my birthday basically all weekend, organized a surprise party at her house for me, took me out for a wonderful dinner at PF Changs, and then just sat and talked with me for hours. We realized last night how important our identity as a couple is. We realized how easy it is for things to get crazy when we lose sight of that. Because of this realization and the chance to talk about, we were able to connect on a deeper level emotionally and remember how in love we are. In fact, I would say we are more in love today than we were yesterday. It is an incredible feeling! Turning twenty, being engaged, and planning a wedding can be a bit overwhelming. Thankfully though, we are loved by a God who will stop when we stop and help us take a deep breath in and find the truth that exists when love is real. That is what we are holding on to.

PS- we took some amazing pictures if you havent cehcked them out yet. I have the best looking fiance in the questions asked!

1 comment:

Miranda said...

you guys have me in tears reading this blog. (of course i've been very emotional lately with my little boy turning one, but that's a whole nother story). FIRST off...i love your name. lol. team awesome rocks! second of all, my prayer for you is that you take this time together and CHERISH it. i know it seems like forever away, but it's going to come at you soo fast. take this time to continue to get to know each other on a deeper level. you will learn things about each other that you never knew existed, and you will for the rest of your lives. have FUN with the planning. don't let it stress you out too much. it's so much fun and it's so worth it when you get to the big day. if you all have any questions feel free to call me. i can help in any way i can. i love you both and i can't wait to see you again!! smooches!