Sunday, November 16, 2008


Just kidding. ;)

Now that I have your attention, I'd like to discuss a sad truth. I learned a lot after DJ posted his election blog. For one, it is a lot easier for people (especially people who don't know DJ and his heart) to say harsh things versus saying something positive. When DJ posted his blog, the comments poured in. Some were nice, but most of them were not so nice. In fact, we still find it strange that people read our blog. Anyway, after the election blog no one left us any more comments. I guess its a lot easier to be angry. I decided it would be nice to focus on showing people love instead of verbally pouncing on someone that writes about a controversial topic. So, to all of those who left us comments--we love you! :) Even though harsh words were exchanged, we still care about the hearts of people and the reconciliation of relationships. We voted for Obama, but we love you, McCain lovers!

In other news, last week was a difficult week. I was sick in the beginning of the week and then on Wednesday DJ fell ill. By Thursday afternoon, we were at Vandy until Friday afternoon. I hated seeing my husband sick and I really hated those stupid chairs they give you to "sleep" in. I just jumped in DJ's bed because I could not sleep at all. He was such a trooper haha. I'm sure if I was that sick I wouldn't want anyone in my hospital bed, but he let me sleep. :) DJ is home now and feeling all better...I'm glad because seeing my husband sick is one of the worst feelings in the world!

The end of this semester is wrapping up and I could not be happier. I will graduate in May!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next semester DJ and I are taking the same classes so we're super excited.

I hope everyone is doing well. Have a great week!

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