Thursday, November 6, 2008

MY Only Election Blog

Okay, so Barack Obama is the new President-elect. It is a very exciting time to be alive. I am personally so excited to be able to say that I voted for the first black President. It is truly a shift in our American history.

I would like to take some time to address what my husband wrote. He is an educated man and has an amazing heart, first things first. I don't think he was out of line (and I would honestly like to know who thinks he is). As an American, everyone can express their opinion, even if you don't agree. I don't think its "out of line" to say that you should educate yourself on each candidate's personal policies before you vote. I don't think its "out of line" to think globally and care for the poor and recognize immense global suffering. Additionally, I think instead of just voting we should actually do more for the issues we care most about. I don't plan on leaving all of the issues up to Obama and the rest of government. Just because my husband didn't write what you wanted to read doesn't mean he is out of line. (Okay, I'll get off my soap box now. )

When I voted on Tuesday, I was a proud American. I picked what I thought was the best candidate and went on my way. I was so happy until someone found out who I voted for and said, "He is going to steal your soul....He is blah blah blah....Communism....blah blah blah....Antichrist...." It was ignorant and hateful. I have nothing that hateful to say about anyone. I don't think Obama is going to steal my soul. I don't think McCain was the right candidate, but I also wouldn't spew hateful word vomit if he were elected.

All that said, we should take our freedom into consideration with the things that we say, but also respect our authorities and abide by our government. Obviously, a lot goes into why we vote the way that we do. Most of our friends are very conservative and that is perfectly fine. I would like to feel the love know, don't hate on me for the way I voted and I won't hate on you. :)

Thanks so much for all of the input on the previous blog. It doesn't matter how you voted, we still have love for everyone. DJ is passionate about being an informed voter and I love him for that. I think making an informed decision in any situation is a good idea, don't you?


Anonymous said...

Three years of undergraduate course work, a great deal of which has been done by correspondence, hardly qualifies him to count himself amongst the learned.

Funny, but still out of line.

It wasn't my goal to start a war, by the way, DJ. You put your opinion out there and I, a reader, shared my rebuttal opinion. That's kind of how this whole blogosphere process works. My opinion isn't personal.

DJ and Amanda said...

The fact that you cannot name yourself is funny, but still out of line. You cannot judge an OPINION based on a level of undergraduate level achieved, especially when you don't state your own credentials. What are your credentials? What qualifies you to deem someone uneducated? Your goal was to belittle a person. It may not have been to start a war, but you definitely made sure it was personal. You did not state your opinion, you were just rude. The point of my husband's blog was not to start a war with you, but open a door to discuss politics (something we haven't discussed at all pre-election). Please, at least have the decency to say who you are before you attack my husband. I seriously doubt you would handle such a comment with as much grace and love as my husband. You are very, very out of line.
-DJ's Wife.

Anonymous said...

DJ and Amanda,
I am very proud of you for doing the research and looking at each candidate based on what are the important issues to you.

God is sovereign. He knows the hearts of man and who to use to draw us to Him. Whatever happens during this next term of presidency, it is not out of God's hands.

My hope is that we, as believers, will not divide, but unite. Jesus prayed for us to be united. The Scriptures tell us to pray for our government doesn't matter who that leader is. We are called to love and show the grace that God has shown us through Christ.

This is the only comment I have statuses or blogs. I gave in because I am so saddened by the division and the unkind words I have been hearing and reading.

I love you both! :)Keri

DJ and Amanda said...

I agree, Keri. It really saddened DJ and I to see all of the unkind words. I myself have even had to restrain myself because of the protective person I am. Its hard for me to read hurtful things towards my husband and my nature is to snap back harder. At the root of everything, DJ and I don't care at all who anyone voted for. It doesn't even matter. I hope that there is reconciliation even with the anonymous commenter because our hearts are sad.

Love you, Keri!

DJ and Amanda said...

I agree, Keri. It really saddened DJ and I to see all of the unkind words. I myself have even had to restrain myself because of the protective person I am. Its hard for me to read hurtful things towards my husband and my nature is to snap back harder. At the root of everything, DJ and I don't care at all who anyone voted for. It doesn't even matter. I hope that there is reconciliation even with the anonymous commenter because our hearts are sad.

Love you, Keri!